VizTracer supports concurrency tracing, including asyncio, multi-thread and multi-process.
VizTracer supports asyncio
module natively. However, you can use --log_async
to make the report clearer.
Under the rug, asyncio is a single-thread program that’s scheduled by Python built-ins. With --log_async
, you can visualize
different tasks as “threads”, which could separate the real work from the underlying structure, and give you a more intuitive
understanding of how different tasks consume the runtime.
viztracer --log_async
Multi Thread
For python3.12+, VizTracer supports all Python level multi-thread. You don’t need to do anything.
For versions before 3.12, VizTracer supports python native threading
module without the need to do any modification to your code.
Just start VizTracer
before you create threads and it will just work.
If you are using multi-thread via other mechanism, for example, PyQt thread, VizTracer can’t support it out of the box.
However, you can inform VizTracer that you are in a separate thread and enable tracing in that thread with enable_thread_tracing
from viztracer import get_tracer
class YourThread:
def run(self):
# This will tell VizTracer to trace the thread
VizTracer supports subprocess
. You need to make sure the main process exits after subprocesses finish.
This will generate a report for all processes. There are a couple of things you need to be aware though.
VizTracer patches subprocess module(to be more specific, subprocess.Popen
) to make this work like a magic. However, it will only patch
when the args passed to subprocess.Popen
is a list(subprocess.Popen(["python", ""])
) and the first argument starts with
. This covers most of the cases, but if you do have a situation that can’t be solved, you can raise an issue and we can talk
about solutions.
multiprocessing and concurrent.futures
VizTracer supports multiprocessing
and concurrent.futures
, and it will make the main process wait for all the other processes to finish
so the report can include all processes. You can skip the waiting using Ctrl+C.
This feature is available on all platforms and for both fork
and spawn
type Process
However, on Windows, multiprocessing.Pool
won’t work with VizTracer because there’s no way to gracefully catch the exit of the process
VizTracer supports os.fork
. The main process will wait for forked processes to finish.
You can even use os.exec()
and its other forms after you fork the process. Of course
VizTracer only records what happens before os.exec()
, you need generic multi process support
to record what happens after.
VizTracer supports loky>=3.0.0
as loky
implemented the viztracer
initializer. You can log loky
just as easy as builtin multiprocessing
generic multi process support
VizTracer has a simple instrumentation for all the third party libraries to integrate VizTracer to their multi process code.
First, your main process has to be executed by viztracer
. Inline VizTracer won’t work. In your program, you need
, which is a Dict
that can be easily serializable with pickle
or other libraries.
Then, pass this argument to your sub-process, and instantiate a VizTracer object with it
# init_kwargs is the argument from main process
tracer = VizTracer(**init_kwargs)
And you are good to go. The main process should collect the data from sub-processes automatically and put together a report.
combine reports
You can generate json reports from different processes and combine them manually as well. It is recommended to use
so the report will be saved as a json file ending with the pid of the process. You can specify your own file name using -o
viztracer --pid_suffix
# or
viztracer -o process1.json
You can specify the output directory if you want to
viztracer --pid_suffix --output_dir ./temp_dir
After generating json
files, you need to combine them
viztracer --combine ./temp_dir/*.json
This will generate the report with all the process info. You can specify --output_file
when using --combine