
VizTracer supports third party plugins that comply to the specification of VizTracer.

To use a plugin, you need to install the plugin first. For example, if you want to use a plugin named vizplugins

pip install vizplugins

Then you need to pass the plugin to viztracer using --plugins

viztracer --plugins vizplugins --

There could be multiple plugins to use in a package, which are differentiate by modules. You can specify the module where plugin lives(you should refer to the plugin’s doc for detailed usage)

viztracer --plugins vizplugins.cpu_time --

You can even pass arguments to the plugin, but you need double quotes to pack them together.

viztracer --plugins "vizplugins.cpu_time -f 100" --

You can also do it inline, just pass the string or the plugin object itself in a list to VizTracer

tracer = VizTracer(plugins=["vizplugins.cpu_time"])
# Or
tracer = VizTracer(plugins=[vizplugins.CpuTimePlugin()])

# To gracefully terminate all plugins, you need to do terminate
# You can use with statement to avoid explicitly terminate
with VizTracer(plugins=["vizplugins.cpu_time"]):
    # Do your stuff here

If you want to develop your own plugin for VizTracer, take a look at VizPlugin